Born and raised in Calgary, AB., I grew up in a very artistic environment and was always encouraged to express myself creatively. I have the matriarchs in my family to thank for such a childhood. An avid gardener, my grandmother instilled an appreciation of nature within me and taught me how to press flowers and tap into to my creative spirit with an endless supply of craft challenges. My Mom raised us to honor our free spirit and live in the moment. Always with an adventurous flare, my mom’s soul endeavor was to make something out of nothing and most importantly, enjoy the adventure that challenge created. Her favorite quote to this day is "Life is a Daring Adventure or nothing at all" {Helen Keller}, and what an adventure it has been thus far!
I never thought I would turn this endeavor into a business, however, allowing me the luxury of raising my two babies and forcing me to learn and grow in ways I had never imagined, I am forever thankful that this is the path I am on.
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